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The Pursuit

Elena & Natalia

Ever since I was a young girl, I longed to, one day, become a wife and a mother. My heart beat with such excitement at the mere thought. More than even dreaming about the wedding, I dreamt about the marriage. The life after the “I-do’s,” me and him starting life together, hand-in-hand, loving God, loving people, and loving each other. Facing the same direction, with one vision and one heart, ready to celebrate each other’s strengths and forgive each other’s weaknesses, choosing daily to stay with each other through the highs and the lows, the mountains and the valleys, the memorable and the mundane. Fast forward to today, and this dream is yet to become a reality, but still expectantly bubbling in my heart ready to be birthed in God’s perfect timing and perfect way.

The journey to being found by him may not always be perfect, but what is perfectly perfect is that, as women of God, we are worthy of being pursued. In this modern day, however, the responsibility of men to pursue women by initiating interest, communicating intentions, risking rejection, and honoring purity is quickly fading.

There are too many games being played and hearts being broken. There should only be one game played in love, and that’s called, “Hide-and-Seek.” Let me explain, I hide and you seek. I want my heart to be so hidden in Christ, that you, my future husband, man of God, need to first seek Him in order to find me.

When He tells you to wait, please obey. But, when He tells you to move, please don’t delay.

Dear ladies, seek Him before you seek him. The Lord knows who belongs in your future. Trust Him to lead the right one to you. If a man really loves you, He will seek God to find you, and even when he has found you, he will continue to seek God for His ways to love you.

It’s a safe haven and a courageous place, dear sister, to be hidden in Christ, as He wholly heals you and protects you from heartbreak and harm. Your hiddenness is not your invisibility, and your value is not dependent on how many men are pursuing you or not. Your value, in being hidden in Christ, means that you are priceless and not just anyone can see you.

I’d rather be invisible to all the wrong men, if it means that I’ll be seen by the right one – the one who is sent by God and who is prayerfully positioned, earnestly empowered, and divinely destined to love me and honor me as a pleasing sacrifice and as holy worship unto the Lord.

You are worthy, as women of God, not only to be pursued by your men of God, but worthy to know and believe that you are already passionately pursued by a Man who is God. And together, whether single or married, male or female, as the body of Christ, we are called to pursue righteousness, faithfulness, love, and peace, and to enjoy the companionship of those who call on the Lord with pure hearts (2 Timothy 2:22).

For more of our thoughts on love and courtship, watch our full episode on The Elena & Natalia Show.


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C/O Elena & Natalia

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Glendale, CA 91209



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